5 Travel Essentials for Your Wallet
I'll admit, I'm a bit of a packrat. Which means, among other things, I tend to over-cram my wallet with all sorts of things. Stamp cards, business cards, receipts, gum wrappers…you name it. So when I travel, it gives me a great opportunity to scale down the contents of my wallet. If you over-collect like me, this list of five essentials for your wallet when traveling will help give you the space you need.
1. Credit Card
Yes, I mean just one credit card. When traveling, you'll obviously need a way to pay for your trip activities, but you're not going to need multiple cards to fund it all. And if your wallet gets lost or stolen, you only have one line of credit to protect. If you feel it's necessary, you can also bring a debit card. This makes it easy to pull cash from an ATM when you're in a pinch.
2. Cash
While a debit card can help you at an ATM, you're not always going to have an ATM nearby. Carrying somewhere around $50 in cash will help during those times when it's cash-only and you don't have any other resources.
3. Driver's License
Having some form of ID on you is essential when traveling. And a driver's ID is a great one to carry. Not only does it allow you to legally operate a vehicle, but it can also serve as ID for going through airports and getting into bars.
4. Business Cards
This is a great way to exchange contact information quickly if you meet a new friend or business contact when traveling. And as a perk, it would provide your information should your wallet get lost and hopefully, would fall into the hands of a good soul.
5. Medical Insurance Card
I'd say this is on par with the importance of bringing a driver's license. You never know when an accident is going to happen. If you get injured on a trip, it's better to be safe than sorry. Having medical insurance can help you get the medical attention you need if bad luck strikes you on a vacation.
6. Bonus Tip! Passport.
This one is a given when traveling internationally. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it; if you don't have your passport (or a similar form of documentation), you can't enter a different country. Another thing? Not only does a passport help you to cross borders, but it also serves as an additional form of back-up ID.
Fortunately, here at BRIC'S MILANO, we have a wallet that can neatly tuck in all of the above essentials. Our Gondola Collection has timeless wallets that are designed to be the ultimate travel companion. Each wallet is designed and crafted in Italy, from fine leather that's meant to withstand the times of time and keep your essentials protected. Their sleek design means they can easily be stored in your pocket or travel bag. It doesn't take much to travel smartly, and BRIC'S MILANO can help you achieve that.
Author Bio
Sarah Shields has a BA in English and minor in editing. She's an avid knitter and amateur cheese connoisseur.